About us
EU and Competition
Unleash the full potential of EU and competition law
Together with Washington DC, Brussels is among the world’s foremost regulatory and antitrust enforcement centres. Our EU & Competition team in Brussels boasts vast experience in handling high-profile complex EU and competition law matters, both vis-à-vis the European Commission, national competition and FDI authorities, as well as EU and national courts.
With deep experience in antitrust, merger control, state aid, and regulatory compliance, we provide tailored approaches to support your business when stakes are high. Our strategic insights make sure that you stay ahead and achieve efficient outcomes in both local and cross-border matters.
Any client wanting to do business in the European Union (or often in countries with close links to the European Union) will face several challenges such as globalisation of merger control and aggressive cartel enforcement.
In addition, dominant companies’ behavior is under ever-increasing scrutiny by the European Commission, national competition authorities and national and European Courts.
Companies need to be much more careful for state aid compliance when receiving incentives from national, regional or local authorities such as investment subsidies, labor subsidies, R&D incentives, tax breaks, land to build factories, energy cost reductions, tax rulings, etc.
Areas of practice:
- Competition audit and compliance programs
- Transactions (mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures)
- Cartels
- Dawn raids
- Unilateral and concerted business conduct
- State aid
- Vertical agreements
- Distribution and commercial arrangements
- Licensing agreements
- Civil antitrust litigation (damage claims)
- Representation before the EU courts
Regulatory changes come with dizzying speed and complexity, often with massive implications for companies’ business models and competitive strategies.
Together with Deloitte, we offer multi-disciplinary, comprehensive and integrated regulatory services for clients in highly regulated sectors such as life sciences, energy & resources, consumer & industrial products and TMT.
Areas of practice:
- Product compliance and liability
- Regulatory due diligence, strategy and market access
- Sector-specific regulations
- Cross-sectoral legislation
- Government investigations and enforcement
- EU policy and legislative developments