Public, Regulatory and Permits

Our law firm has extensive experience in advising and representing both public authorities and corporate entities in connection with all aspects of Belgian public and administrative law.

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Looking ahead: Implementing the EU Regulation on deforestation-free products

Are you ready for the new EU Regulation on deforestation-free products? Learn about the requirements and implications for your business.


ESG Policies: What are they and why does your company need them?

Developing an ESG policy can constitute an important first step in a company’s ESG journey. In this article, we provide key insights into the benefits of implementing an effective ESG policy.


Powering change: Navigating the EU Batteries Regulation

The EU batteries Regulation represents a crucial step in addressing environmental and economic challenges associated with the lifecycle of batteries within the European Union. In this article, we analyse the context, impact and implementation timeframe of this new regulatory framework.


Making sustainable products the norm in the EU

To both reduce products’ environmental and climate impact and make sustainable products the norm on the EU market, the Commission unveiled its Proposal for a Regulation establishing ecodesign requirements for sustainable products on 30 March 2022 (the “ESPR”).


Belgian parliament adopts pioneering law on hydrogen transport

On 6 July 2023, the Belgian parliament adopted the so-called “Hydrogen Act” which aims to establish a dedicated regulatory framework for hydrogen pipeline networks ahead of the planned revision of the EU gas market legislation contained in the EU’s hydrogen and decarbonised gas market package. The legislation will enter into force within ten days following publication in Belgium’s official journal. This alert outlines the main elements of the Hydrogen Act.


New thresholds for public procurement procedures in 2024-2025

On 15 November 2023, new European thresholds for public procurement procedures during the period 2024-2025 were announced. The thresholds vary depending on the type of contract, as well as the awarding authority.