MCC Newsflashes
Latest news, tips and tricks
04 April 2022
Family businesses are an important engine for our economy! However, the combination of family and business is not always easy. The question of succession can be very challenging. The role of the emotional impact - in addition to the legal and fiscal aspects - is often underestimated.
The Family Business Dynamics Governance (FBD-G) Team supports family businesses with the following questions:
- How to enter into a constructive discussion together around difficult or complex themes? How to tell your dad that you do not want to be operationally active in the company? How can you indicate to your parents/children that you want clarity with regard to the "planning" or "timing" in the context of the transfer?
- How can we prepare the children for their role as long-term shareholder? Both in terms of technical skills and social skills? (pathway)
- Who is best suited for the role of CEO? What if both my children want a leading role in the company?
- How can we best shape the roles within the spheres of the private, the company and the assets?
Companies large and small are always welcome for an exploratory meeting!
Introspection before the weekend
01 April 2022
Time flies. The weekend is just around the corner. And sometimes we are "just happy" that we managed to keep all the balls in the air this week too. But sometimes the question arises whether we are still doing the right thing:
- Am I doing the right thing? In line with what I really find important?
- How do I feel at work?
- Do I really like this job?
- Are there aspects I miss in my current job?
- Are there things I find important, but which I do not get round to at the moment? For example, reading a story to the children before they go to sleep?
- What added value can I create in my job?
- What really suits me?
- If I want to do things (radically) differently, what is the best next step? And what will others think of that?
These questions come up all the more when people are confronted with a major change in their lives (e.g. divorce, moving house, death of a family member, take-over in the context of a family business). At the same time, it is good that we consciously reflect on these questions from time to time. This prevents you from suddenly finding yourself in a place where you don't feel at home at all ...
Looking for a sounding board and to start working with such questions? Always welcome for an exploratory meeting!
Self care: Inside out
24 March 2022
🏚️ No architect would consider adding another floor to a building affected by poor foundations. The risk of collapse is just too high. So why do we?
🏗️ In order to be able to support others, you need to take care of your own ‘foundations’
A few tips:
- Make sure you get enough sleep. Try to keep a fixed hour and to go into "sleep mode" from a certain hour by doing a quiet activity.
- Take conscious breaks.
- Plan moments to do "nothing". Or do something you have been looking forward to for a long time but for some reason have not been able to do.
- Go for a walk, read a book, do some sport with a friend, ...
- Pay attention to your breathing.
- Dare to say "no". Our time and energy are not endless. Saying no to something is saying yes to something else.
Constructive communication in conflict situations
Constructive Communication
Avoiding conflicts by constructive communication