
Social Dialogue Offerings

At Deloitte Legal, we recognize the pivotal role that social dialogue and trade unions play in fostering a positive work environment. 

However, clients are sometimes faced with:

  • communication challenges with trade unions that hinder the establishment of a collaborative partnership, especially in a more and more polarized world; and
  • difficulties to make sure that discussions remain within the bounds of legal requirements and remain focused on pertinent topics.

How we can help:

Our specialized offering on strategic social dialogue provides employers with professional legal advice to navigate the complex dynamics of social dialogue, making sure that it becomes a powerful mechanism for collaboration and mutual benefit.

Our comprehensive Strategic Social Dialogue offering covers various aspects crucial for a harmonious workplace:

  • Social Dialogue Framework: development of a social dialogue handbook to allow a productive and efficient social dialogue that is legally compliant, aligns with the company's goals while maintaining a positive workplace climate.
  • Analysis of social dialogue practices: in-depth evaluation of the existing social dialogue practices, verifying whether the social dialogue bodies are having sufficient focus on their legal competencies and whether the agreed governance framework is correctly applied, aiming at developing an improved social dialogue model.
  • Legal Compliance Guidance: advising clients in navigating the legal framework surrounding social dialogue to make sure discussions focus on topics that align with legal requirements, avoiding unnecessary distractions.
  • Strategic Negotiation Support: providing professional legal counsel during negotiations to safeguard the interests of the company while fostering a cooperative relationship with trade unions, and ultimately translating the agreements into the relevant legal documentation.

Contact us

Stijn Demeestere

Stijn Demeestere


Stijn Demeestere joined Deloitte’s Global Employer Services in 2013 before becoming head of Deloitte Legal - Lawyers’ People Law team in 2015. In 2020 he took on the additional role of Talent Partner.... More

Alexis Ceuterick

Alexis Ceuterick


Alexis Ceuterick joined Deloitte Legal – Lawyer’s People Law team in June 2022. Alexis is an employment law and social security specialist and known for finding innovative and pragmatic solutions for ... More