
Deloitte Legal assists the University Hospitals Leuven with the ‘Gasthuis’ project

Taking on your challenges

29 August 2022

Deloitte Legal is very proud to have assisted the University Hospitals Leuven with their milestone DB(F)M-contract for the design, construction and maintenance of a new versatile entrance building of approx. 30,000m² that will accommodate catering facilities / services for staff and visitors, as well as commercial spaces, office spaces and a hotel.

The Deloitte Legal team worked hand in hand with the different teams of the University Hospitals Leuven and Hospex to structure the award procedure and to draft the different tender documents to select potential candidates and to – in a further step – evaluate and assess the submitted proposals. Contractual and technical negotiations took place during the previous months, leading to an award decision and contract close.

The project was won by Kairos as prime contractor, BAM Interbuild bv as general contractor and BAM FM that will be responsible for the maintenance on the site for another 20 years. The design is by Robbrecht and Daem architects and Bureau Bouwtechniek NV, the engineering is provided by Macobo-Stabo and BAS

Deloitte Legal's team comprised Kathleen De hornois, Dominique Vanherck and Louis Swennen from the Public, Regulatory and Permits Team, and Danny Stas and the Tax Advisory Team.

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