
Tax Audit Readiness Offering

An (unannounced) visit usually signifies the starting point of a thorough tax audit, which more often than not will result in significant tax claims.

During the visit, the taxpayer will be faced with numerous questions and dilemma’s, such as:

  • Do the tax inspectors have the right to open my closets and search my computer?
  • Do I have the right to remain silent?
  • And can I ask the tax inspectors to leave when they are clearly overstepping certain boundaries?

How we can help:

The Tax Dispute Resolution Team at Deloitte Legal is here to help you answer any questions you may have on this matter. Our services extend beyond merely analysing your company's Tax Audit Readiness by evaluating internal policies and procedures. We also offer support in preparing your staff for potential dawn raids through educational initiatives and training sessions. Additionally, we proactively identify tax-sensitive issues and investigate the most effective approaches to address them. Together, we can thus identify the strengths but also the weaknesses within your company and work to improve those weaknesses.

Think of the Tax Audit Readiness offering as an insurance policy.

Hopefully, you will never need it, but if the risk materializes you will certainly be glad to have something to fall back on.

Get in touch

Annick Visschers

Annick Visschers


Annick is head of the Tax Dispute Resolution team of lawyers at Deloitte Legal. She specialises in Belgian and international tax law and focuses on tax risk management, criminal law in tax matters, ta... More

Filip Smet

Filip Smet


Filip is a partner in the Tax Dispute Resolution team within Deloitte Legal, focusing on direct tax risk management and litigation. Filip assists taxpayers during audits, negotiations and litigation w... More

Alexander Baert

Alexander Baert


Alexander is a member of the Tax Dispute Resolution Team. He advises national and international companies on all aspects of customs and global trade law. He has extensive experience on handling disput... More

Johan Speecke

Johan Speecke


Johan is a partner in Deloitte Legal's Tax Dispute Resolution team of lawyers and is a specialist in (criminal) tax litigation, advising companies and individuals, not only during the administrative p... More